Daniel's Last Stand, Vol. 1
Daniel's Last Stand sheds new light upon the portentous events occurring in the Middle East, which threaten to bring this planet to a cataclysmic end. Henderson asserts that these events, which will impact everyone on earth, are portrayed in Daniel 11:44, 45, but since we have no guide to light our path into the future but the lamp of the past, volume one, entitled The Lost Scepter, takes the reader through 2,500 years of jammed pack prophetic events where we witness the apparently bewildering rise and fall of mighty empires - yet all under the guiding hand of Providence. The fulfillment of these prophetic events in the end times is what Daniel 12:13 calls “Daniel's Last Stand.”
The Lost Scepter makes history come alive. Nimrod's political and religious rebellion usurped the scepter of world dominion God gave to Noah. When God overthrew Nimrod's empire of occult worship, He set in motion a plan to restore the scepter to the descendants of Abraham whom He called out of Babylon. There the modern drama starts. Ishmael, Abraham's illegitimate son through Hagar, and his descendants have fought the descendants of Isaac right down to the present day over Abraham's birthright.
Over a thousand years later, the House of Israel defected by amalgamating with the occult religion of Nimrod's mystic Babylon. The scepter of earthly dominion was snatched from the prince of Judah when the legendary Nebuchadnezzar desired to resurrect the golden age of Nimrod's mystic empire whose capital was the Tower of Babylon. But his dream was not to last. Daniel and Ezekiel declared that God would give the scepter in turn to four world empires: Neo-Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and pagan and papal Rome.
In gripping detail, The Lost Scepter continues the narrative just after the king of Persia seized the scepter from Babylon. Then begins the fascinating march of empires and foiled ambitions, until the Judaeo-Masonic elite took the scepter from the hands of papal Rome. The House of Rothschild and fellow Masons now rule the nations through their central banks and Neo-pagan Socialist ideology. Will their rule become permanent in a New World Order? Not if the House of Ishmael, egged on by Vatican intrigue can help it. Volume 2 of Daniel's Last Stand entitled Islamic Terror Over Jerusalem climaxes this three-way struggle between the Judaeo-Masonic elite, the Islamic Radicals and the Papacy for world dominion.
James Henderson is a writer, educator and attorney. Schooled in England, he graduated from Newbold College before immigrating to the United States. He graduated from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1978 and then served as assistant dean and professor of legal philosophy at a private law school before entering private law practice. He is the author of several books, including his newly published From the Ghettos to the Thrones of Europe, which unmasks the ruling elite and their agenda for America and the world.