James Henderson

Death Came in a White Robe

Death came in a White Robe, and with every sweep of his scythe, delivered a harvest of chronic diseases. Incredibly, modern medicine has become America's third leading cause of death, 450,000 per year, only a few dead bodies away from cancer, 650,000, and heart disease, 710,000. Counting indirect deaths, Dr. Gary Null makes medicine the leading cause of death at 784,000 per year! No longer pretending to deliver Health, modern drug medicine, euphemistically called Big Pharma, has morphed into the ancient Cult of Pharmakeia, delivering Death. Pharmakeia: Greek root, translated as the illusion of "healing by poisonous herbs or portions; sorcery; magic; witchcraft; Pharmacia, in short, suppresses the symptoms of disease without curing the patient.

In the brilliant and intriguing setting of a grand jury proceeding, attorney James Henderson, marshals the testimony of eminent nutritional physicians and medical scientists, to demonstrate that drugs, carefully calibrated poisons, never cure diseases; they merely suppress one symptom of a disease, only to generate several symptoms in its place, some more deadly than the original disease.

Unabashedly, modern medicine manages the symptoms of disease for profit. The unthinkable is occurring: The agents of Pharmakeia milk the disease for the life of the patient. Then when the grim reaper, Death in a White Robe, strikes with his scythe, Pharmakeia moves on to the next patient. The more expensive diseases cited by Henderson, like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure, have become cash crops. Mandatory vaccines have become the new perilous and profiteering tool of the Cult of Pharmakeia.

Henderson presents five unshakeable reasons why Big Pharma, masquerading today in the garments of the ancient Cult of Pharmakeia, should be indicted. Two-thirds of the nearly four trillion dollars America spends on “disease care" is paid to Pharmakeia and its agents to manage symptoms - never to deliver health or cure. Medicine, which was once the minister of life, is now the harbinger of death. It is a national scandal that the mainstream media at the command of the ruling elite seeks to suppress. Blood money from Pharmakeia's medical monopoly has captured our Government and its Agencies.

These are the crimes and medical fraud that Henderson seeks to uncover in this masterpiece of investigative journalism, appropriately titled Death Came in a White Robe. The astonishing evidence of medical exploitation of the sick demands a verdict. We are living in a New Dark Age under the blood-stained hands of a medical dictatorship.

It is time We the People took back responsibility for our health, if only for our children and grandchildren's sake. Death Came in a White Robe courageously points the way.

James Henderson is a writer, educator and attorney. Schooled in England, he graduated from Newbold College before immigrating to the United States. He graduated from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1978 and then served as assistant dean and professor of legal philosophy at a private law school before entering private practice. He is the author of several books, including his newly published From the Ghettos to the Thrones of Europe, which unmasks the ruling elite and their agenda for us.

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